Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
If 3X = 24, then what is the value of x? If this algebraic equation, got you excited, you are a NUMBER smart learner. Read on and enhance your skills. If this simple algebraic equation shut your brain off, definitely read on to know how to make numbers your friends.
LOGIC smart
During a survey, people were randomly asked that on a scale of 1 to 10, how they would rate people’s reaction to mathematics, with 10 being tough and 1 being the easiest. Most of the respondents rated maths somewhere between 8 and 9. After the survey concluded, the researches suggested that the figures that every respondent gave was their own reflection of how difficult mathematics was. Maths has always been a subject people have feared venturing into. How do you make numbers likeable? How do we develop a love for geometry and algebra then?
Welcome to the world of number smart or in multiple intelligence jargon the -“logical learner.”
Numbers are a part of our everyday existence everyday. Numbers are everywhere, from telling us the time on a wall clock to the license plate on cars, numbers are in a calendar and on a grocery list, inside the wallet and on our mobiles. Thus, we need to make number our friends.
A logical learner is someone who loves to solve brain teasers, riddles, loves to count things, play games like checkers, chess or battleship, read mysteries, create own codes or break them.
Estimate things, make a budget, understand time, study a globe map or directions. All of these are skills that a number smart person requires. Now, if you are afraid of numbers more than you are afraid of the dark, then remember that the best part about being a number smart is that like other intelligences, its learn-able.
2 M theory
What is the most important thing to become a number smart person? It is to teach them about the two M – Money and Measurement. Islam encourages financial smartness. Encouraging a child to give sadaqah can be installed very early in your child. Rasulullah encouraged the sahabas to give charity even if it was a piece of date. Among the 7 described under the shade is one who gives charity in secret. Countless stories of companions who gave charity needs to be a source of inspiration for us and our families.
MATHS in the Far East
The success of children in the Far East in countries like Japan, Shanghai and China in Maths can be attributed to their using tangible objects to teach Maths. Rather than word problems that the West uses so often, a Japanese child is most likely to pick up a few sticks, perhaps chopsticks, to learn about multiplication rather than talk about a big boy going to the super market to buy a vanilla ice-cream.
Today, real money has ceased and is converted into plastic money. A scholar remarked that credit card is money you don’t have, to buy things you don’t need, to impress people you don’t like. Start using real money!
MEASURE your way
The second is measurement. Teaching your children how much quantity of ingredients is required to prepare food is the beginning of measurement. For example, the ingredients required for making a milkshake, the time required for baking a cake, can hone their math skills, making them like the subject.
Estimation would be fantastic in enhancing mathematical skills. Estimation means that you love calculating and guessing without actually counting.
Here is a small activity for you to try this out: Bring a jar of pebbles or stones and ask your child to guesstimate how many pebbles are inside it. This is exactly how our Prophet encouraged the shepherd boy to tell the number of camels that were present with the Makkans during Battle of Badr.
Another great quality of logical learning is studying and understanding maps and even Google Maps. It is said that men will never stop to ask for directions. Call it male ego! However, if you can teach children how to understand the directions, for example, route from the house to the Masjid, they would end up becoming better maths learners.
Logic is also important for computers. LOGO is software programs that is based on simple logic. A simple programming language that can be learned in school. Logo is an interesting programming language because it is designed to teach us the process of thinking and learning. It can be used in many different ways from maths to science and robotics.
Yet another game to help us become logical learners is Battleship and Connect 4. You can either download them or buy the board game, which is strongly recommend. Play these games with your children. They will learn strategy and logic while creating excitement of playing a game with you.
Get to NASA and Mars
One more interesting way to get brain cells numerically aligned is to have a small book of brain teasers and start making it like a family ritual. Another interesting way is to pay attention to the use of numbers in the news.
If a new Space probe says 43 million miles to reach Mars, ask a child what does it really mean to have 43 million miles. Perhaps, you can write it down on a piece of paper with hundreds and hundreds of zeros following it. Believe me, your children will enjoy it. Maybe you can show them what the letter Pi means. It is 22 by 7 which cannot be divided and it ends up with 3.14343434. You might have the next NASA scientist right in your home.
- Numbers are everywhere from telling us time on a wall clock to the license plate on cars;
- We need to make number our friends;
- Teach them about the two M’s – Money & Measurement;
- Islam encourages financial smartness;
- Teach maths through objects that a child can touch and pick;
- Estimation would be fantastic in enhancing the mathematical skills.
In the next article, we will explore people’s personalities. There are two kinds of people in this world: an extrovert and an introvert. In the Multiple intelligence language, they are referred to as People Smart and Self Smart learners. Find out your personality and your child’s. Stay TUNED!
How have you benefited from this article? What are the strategies you would like to implement from this article in your child? Please share them in the comments section below. 🙂
One reply on “Multiple Intelligence at School [Part 6]”
jazaka Allahu khair…………….now only i realized i am logic smart……..thankzzz for helping me to realize that……..i love numbers………..