Praise be to Allah for specifying Ramadan for us Muslims, and designating in it an abundance of rewards and an elevation of degrees. He
has also promised to forgive those who observe fasting in Ramadan with faith and seek its reward.
So here we are, having witnessed the end of a blessed month, a month of forgiveness and closeness to Allah, a month of good deeds, worship and pure pleasure and a month filled with beautiful Qur’an recitation.
With the end of this month, a lesson is given to those who seek it, and a trial for those who missed reaping and investing in its rewards; an eloquent sermon to those who held themselves accountable, feared the Day of Judgment and prayed to their Lord to grant them His paradise with the righteous people.
This month leaves us with a heartbreak and a lesson, exactly like how loved ones leave us behind when death takes them away…but this is life! Nothing lasts forever, and the happy ones in it are those who Allah blesses with steadfastness, sincerity and good deeds, and were not deluded by the pleasures, lusts and desires of this life.
Ramadan is considered to be the best training session of the year and the best of training camps to those who strove and were steadfast upon being righteous. It is the best school that builds and prepares leaders. So, for those who dipped themselves in its river, picked its fruits and walked in its gardens, realizing its components and had knowledge of its secrets, it surely reflects on their souls, hearts and senses after its passing.
Preserving Ramadan’s Fruits:
The happy ones are those who Allah blessed with the ability to fast Ramadan and observe its nights with worship seeking rewards. And the losers are those who came out of it the same way they entered it. But glad tidings to those who preserved this month’s fruits and held on to them while asking Allah
for acceptance and steadfastness.
Almu’allaa bin Alfadl said, “They used to supplicate to Allah for six months to inform them (let them reach) Ramadan, then they would supplicate for six month for Allah to accept from them (their fasting)! 1
Our righteous predecessors used to perfect their deeds and complete them, and then care for its acceptance afterwards.
Abu Ad-Dardaa’ said, “To be certain that Allah accepted one’s prayer is more beloved for me than this life and what is in it”.
We have achieved many fruits this month along with great benefits, from becoming firm in submitting to Allah and His orders and leaving His prohibitions to gaining piety and sincerity. Reviewing our relationship with Qur’an, preserving our tongues and time, having patience in obeying Allah
and the hardship of worshiping acts, perseverance in remembering and supplicating to Allah
became a part of our daily routine.
Persistence upon good and righteous deeds:
One of the signs that Allah accepted our obedience is the continuation of obedience afterwards, and the sign for its refection is the continuation of disobedience afterwards.
There is a prophetic guidance towards the importance of persisting in righteous deeds after Ramadan.
The Prophet
said, “Whoever fasts during the month of Ramadan and then follows it with six days of Shawwal will be (rewarded) as if he had fasted the entire year.” 2
To continue fasting after Ramadan makes us feel that we are still engaged with the blessed month, thus continuing what we were upon during the month of Ramadan from righteous deeds.
The Prophet
said, “When Allah wants good for a slave, He puts him in action.” It was said: “How does he put him in action O Messenger Of Allah?” He said: “By making him meet up with the righteous deeds before death.” 3
Allah says what translates as the following:
“And worship your Lord until there comes to you the certainty (death)” (Al-Hijr, 15:99).
This verse indicates a divine guidance on the necessity of persistence in obedience without boredom and slackness.
When ‘Aisha
asked the Messenger of Allah
, “what deeds are loved most by Allah? He said, “the most regular constant deeds even though they may be few. 4
Imam An-Nawawi said about this hadith, “in it is urging for continuation of doing good deeds, and that few but continuous deeds are better than an abundance but is discontinued, because with the constant few is constant obedience, remembrance, observance, intention, sincerity to the Creator , and where the few but continuous give constant fruits and is increased from that of the abundant but discontinued.
From the great examples of our righteous predecessors, is that ‘Aisha used to pray duha with eight rakats and she would say, “I would never stop doing them even if my parents were to be brought back to life.” 5
From the greatest reasons of Allah’s love is persistence on accomplishing righteous deeds, as in the hadith where the Messenger of Allah said, “Allah, the Exalted, has said: ‘I will declare war against him who treats with hostility a pious worshiper of Mine. And the most beloved thing with which My slave comes nearer to Me, is what I have enjoined upon him; and My slave keeps on coming closer to Me through performing Nawafil (voluntary prayers or doing extra deeds besides what is obligatory) until I love him, (so much so that) I become his hearing with which he hears, and his sight with which he sees, and his hand with which he strikes, and his leg with which he walks; and if he asks Me something, I will surely give him, and if he seeks My Protection (refuge), I will surely protect him”. 6
High Ambitions:
People are different, there are those whose ambitions are attached to the Most-Merciful’s Throne and Paradise, and others ambitions are attached to pleasures, self-satisfaction, status and desires, so which of those two teams are you from?
An Arabic proverb says, “A man is defined with as much ambition instilled in him”.
May Allah have mercy on Rabi’ah bin Ka’b Al-Aslami
, how high his ambition was when the Messenger of Allah
said, “Ask of me? And he said, “I want to be with you in Paradise” 7
Maymoon bin Mahran said, “There is no goodness in this life except for a repentant, or a man working on different levels of rewards, besides those are only losers”.
Such righteous predecessors used to feel shy from being in a day similar to the one before it.
O Allah, make all our deeds righteous, sincere for Your sake, and empty from any hypocrisy. AMEEN
Please let us know your thoughts in the comments section below 🙂
35 replies on “What About After Ramadan?”
Asak wr wb,
Alhamdulilah, very nice article which instils faith in us and makes it even stronger.
Wa alaikom assalam brother Asim,
Jazaaka Allahu khairan for taking the time to read it, I pray that Allah increase you in faith and knowledge, and keep you steadfast on His straight path.
Wassalamu alaikom.
Very good right up Alhumdollilah
Jazaakom Allahu khairan Reza for sparing the time to read it. May allah reward you abundantly.
Wassalamu alaikom
I just love this IOU blog am very happy somehow I am getting little knowledge about islam shukran
Alhamdulellah, Jazaakom Allahu khairan for following our blog and taking the time to read our posts.
It is because of muslims like you we are aspired to write alhamdulellah.
Wassalamu alaikom wa rahmato Allahi wa barakatoh.
Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin.As Salamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.Very Very Nice Article!
Assalamu alaikom Sajal,
Jazaakom Allahu khairan for taking the time to read and also leave us a comment.
I pray that Allah increase you in knowledge and comfort.
Wassalamu alaikom.
a very inspirational msg thanku so much for sharing
Jazaaka Allahu khairan brother Mohammad.
I pray to Allah that He keeps you inspired and increase you in knowldge.
Wassalamu alaikom
Nice Article, more power to your elbow
Jazaaka Allahu khairan brother.
Alhamdulellah for everything .
I pray to Allah that He increase you in knowledge and desire to win the best of stations in the akhira.
Wassalamu alaikom
Assalam alaikum warahmatullah wabarkatahu,
If someone could please explain what nawaafils are it would be of great help ! Generally it is considered that salah, saum, etc only are the best forms of Ibaadah…..however, since Islam is a way pf life, every item in the life be it be anything is an Ibaadah even sleeping or taking rest or talking…….it happens most of the time in our lives that some personal issues becomes priority compare to salah-saum etc however it cannot be neglected due to the fact the higher form of worship is only is the way of salah, saum etc…..moreover I believe that sorting out personal issues in conjunction with rules of book of Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taala and guidance of rasul Sallallahu Alayhi wasallam will be also a form of worship and rewards of the same shall be given Inshaa’Allah. Allah knows the best.
Jazakumullahu khairan.
Assalamu alaikom Sadaf,
Jazaakom Allahu khairan for stopping by and reading our posts.
Nawafil are considered the Sunnah acts of worship prescribed by the prophet (peace be upon him), such as the 2 rakat sunnah prayer after the obligatory 3 rakat of maghrib, or fasting mondays anf thursdays, as well as fasting the 6 days of shawwal…. all of these acts and many kore are considered nawafil or sunan (plural of sunnah act), and Allah knows best.
Masha Allah jazakallahu khair for this reminder. May Allah grant you and your family the highest rank in jannah.
Khairan jazaakom sister,
I pray to Allah that He grants you, your family and loved ones jannatul firdaws and the companionship of the prophet (peace be upon him) and his sahabah in the hereafter.
Wassalamu alaikom.
i am very happy to take time to read this article may Allaah accept us and guide us the right way
Ameen and Khairan jazaakom brother Ahmad,
Jazaaka Allahu khairan for taking your time to read my post, I am very happy that you did so. I pray that Allah increase you in knowledge.
Wassalamu alaikom.
Beautiful article. Allah guide meAmeen
Ameen and jazaaki Allahu khairan for taking the time to read the post. I pray that Allah keeps us steadfast upon His straight path and incease us in emaan and knowldge.
Wassalamu alaikom
Alhamdulillahi! I lzike it very much. May Allah bless all of you!
Ameen. I pray that Allah increases you in emaan and knowldge, and may He gather you with the righteous ones in this life and the hereafter.
Wassalamu alaikom
Masha’allah, such a beautiful piece. May Allah guide us and make us steadfast in his deen.
Ameen sister Fatima, I pray that Allah grant you and your loved ones steadfastness on Islam and increase your eemaan and knowldge.
Jazaaki Allahu khairan for taking the time to read my post.
Wassalamu alaikom.
Where can I obtain a copy of sayings by the Prophet (saw), thanks!
Assalamu alaikom,
I believe you can find what you seek in http://www.sunnah.com
Jazaakom Allahu khairan for stopping by.
Wassalamu alaikom
Alhamadulillah I like the article it strenghtens my imman and May Allah Bless you abundantly
Assalamu alaikom sister,
Alhamdulellah, and Jazaaki Allahu khairan for taking the time to read the post.
I pray that Allah increase you in eeman and knowledge and keep you steadfast on His straight path.
Wassalamu alaikom
Ma Sha Allah very inspiring article May Allah Ta’ala bless you for this effort & keep you doing more to remind the Muslim Ummah for doing deeds which please our Lord. May Allah bless you immensely. Wassalam
Ameen and Jazaaka Allahu khairan brother Mohammad for taking the time to read and reply to the post.
I pray that Allah increase you and the ummah in eeman and knowledge and keep us steadfast on His straight path.
Wassalamu alaikom
This article exactly what I needed. May Allah guide us to the right path In Sha Allah.
[…] of us are found complaining that as soon as Ramadan bids farewell, all the zeal and eagerness to perform good deeds vanishes away. The mosques are apparently vacant, […]
[…] It is immensely important that we aim to be righteous as not only will it increase our chances of being called into Jannah through a special gate called Ar Rayyan, but also benefit us in this world. Those people who are righteous are great achievers in all walks of life. The month of Ramadan is specially designed to help us make up for the progress that we lost during the previous year and at the same time prepares and energizes us for the coming year. […]